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How to Minimize Hot Water Usage

How to Minimize Hot Water Usage

A water heater unit is a common necessity for many people all over the world, especially those who live in cold areas and have the winter season. Others may even find it a lifesaver because it can be very convenient in helping to provide us with hot water around the house. However, even if it is very convenient and it makes our lives a bit more comfortable, many people think that water heaters consume a lot of energy, and a lot of energy consumption equates to a higher electricity bill.Tank water heaters - repair - service installation

Of course, we would like to have a lower electricity bill each month, but how can we do that and still enjoy the benefits of using hot water at home each day? The simplest solution to that is to use less hot water, but knowing how to pull that off is not as easy as it seems. Good thing that there are ways on how to use hot water and still be able to save on energy (thus, save on energy bills).

Below are simple and easy ways on how to minimize hot water usage for energy savings:

1. Fix Leaks

This is probably the very first thing that you can do in your home if you want to save at least some money on hot water consumption. Leaks, no matter how big or small they are, should be fixed up as soon as possible because you are still responsible for paying for them even if you did not really use them. Did you know that a leak of one drip per second can cost you roughly about $1 a month? By simply repairing or fixing leaks in your fixtures at homes such as leaks present in showerheads, faucets, and other pipes, you can significantly minimize hot water usage.

Be aware that if the tank of your water heater unit leaks, you might need to purchase a new one.

2. Use Fixtures that have Low-Flow Rates

Federal rules and regulations nowadays mandate that new showerhead flow rates must not go beyond more than 2.5 gallons per minute (GPM) at a water pressure of 80 pounds per square inch (psi). Additionally, new faucet flow rates must not exceed 2.5 GPM at 80 or 2.2 GPM at 60 psi. You can buy some good quality, low-flow fixtures for maybe about $10 to $30 per piece and attain water savings of about 25% to 70%.


In order to achieve maximum water usage efficiency, you need to choose a showerhead that has a flow rate of less than 2.5 GPM. There are actually two fundamental types of low-flow showerheads available in the market, which are called laminar-flow and aerating showerheads. Aerating showerheads are those that mix air with water, thus creating a misty spray. Laminar-flow showerheads, on the other hand, create individual streams of water. If you are residing in a climate that is quite humid, then you might want to use a laminar-flow showerhead due to the fact that it will not make as much moisture and steam, unlike an aerating shower head.

Before the year 1992, showerheads at that time have had flow rates of 5.5 GPM. Thus, if you use fixtures that belong to the pre-1992 years, then you may want to replace them, especially if you are not sure what their flow rates are. Below is a simple and quick test to know whether you need to replace a showerhead or not:

Put a pail that is marked in gallon increments under your bathroom showerhead.
Turn on the shower at the usual water pressure you prefer to use.
Note the time how many seconds it takes to fill up the pail to the 1-gallon (or 3.8 liters) mark.
If it takes less than 20 seconds for the water to reach the 1-gallon mark, then you ought to replace your showerhead with a low-flow one.


The aerator, or the screw-on tip of the faucet, is the one that determines the maximum flow rate of a faucet. Generally, new kitchen faucets nowadays are already equipped with aerators that limit flow rates to 2.2 GPM, while new bathroom faucets are equipped with aerators that limit flow rates from 1.5 to 0.5 GPM.

You ought to know that aerators are very cheap to replace and they can be considered one of the simplest yet most cost-effective water conservation techniques you can do at home. In order to achieve maximum water efficiency, you can buy aerators that have flow rates not exceeding 1 GPM. There are some aerators that even come with shut-off valves that let you stop the water flow without affecting the temperature. If you are going to replace an aerator, do not forget to bring the one you are going to replace to the store with you so that you are ensured of a proper fit. water heaters

3. Use Dishwashers and Clothes Washers that are Energy-Efficient

Most people agree that one of the biggest energy costs at home is washing dishes and clothes that require hot water. You can actually reduce your energy costs significantly if you buy and use an energy-efficient dishwasher and clothes washer.


Most people think that if they wash dishes by hand can save them a lot of hot water. However, if you wash dishes by hand many times per day, it can actually turn out to be more expensive than using an energy-efficient dishwasher. When used properly and when using only with full loads, an energy-efficient dishwasher can significantly help you to consume less energy. If you want to make sure that your dishwasher is energy efficient, get one that has an Energy Star label.

Clothes Washers

Regarding hot water usage, clothes washers differ from dishwashers because they do not require a minimum temperature to achieve optimum cleaning results. Thus, if you want to reduce energy consumption, you can use either cold or lukewarm water for most of your laundry loads. For rinsing, cold water is often sufficient enough. If you want to ensure that your clothes washer is energy efficient, get one with an Energy Star label.

Squealing Shower Noises

How to Get Rid of Squealing Shower Noises

A squealing shower head can be a dreadful annoyance when attempting to take a stress-free shower. The primary step in order to deal with the problem is identifying the cause of the sound. Plumbers
Mineral Deposits

In time, mineral deposits can develop in your shower head. Cleansing your shower head will get clear of this build-up. Examine your shower nozzle for indications of mineral deposits, which will show up as off-white spots. To clean your shower head, begin by unscrewing your nozzle from the wall or shower component, turning it counterclockwise. Then put the showerhead into a bowl full of white vinegar and water (equal parts of each component). Allow the shower to be totally submerged in the mixture and let it soak for at least an hour. After an hour of soaking, take the showerhead from the bowl and scrub it with a toothbrush. This will get rid of any excess minerals that didn’t come off throughout the soak. Lastly, rinse off the showerhead with water and twist it back on the fixture. More Questions answered here

Bad Washer

A common source for the high-pitched squealing noise originating from your shower is a bad washer located in the hot water faucet. Check for wear and tear on the washer to identify if you have to change it or not. First, turn off the water system to the shower. Next, remove the faucet and set it aside. There may be designated screws or the faucet may have a pop-off function depending upon the shower. After the handle is removed, continue by taking off the round plate or cover that is screwed to the wall with a flat head screwdriver. After the round cover is removed the faucet cartridge will be noticeable.

Using pliers, grab the thin cylinder cartridge on the middle of the faucet component and twist it counterclockwise until it loosens and comes out of the wall. When the cartridge is taken off, turn it upside down and you ought to see a washer at its base. If the washer is damaged or worn, this is most likely the problem triggering the loud noise coming from your shower. Take out the washer using a screwdriver. Either change the washer with a spare or take the whole component to a hardware store where they will change the washer for you. Reassemble your faucet in reverse order and be sure to turn the water supply back on to test out your shower performance when you are finished.


An additional cause for a squealing shower is water streaming through a pipe with sediment. If the sound continues when various other faucets are turned on then the trouble is in the primary water system valve. First, locate the water line supply entering your house. The line and valve can typically be discovered in the basement or storage area in the house. To raise the water pressure, turn the adjusting screw clockwise, to reduce the pressure turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise. The change in water pressure may also help eliminate the sound. If the noise still continues after these modifications, then you may need to get your primary water valve replaced.
Squealing showers are loud and troublesome. Figuring out the cause of the noise and following these guidelines can assist you in doing away with this common trouble. If you are still experiences issues with your shower, don’t think twice to give Plumbing Repair Texas a call.
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Electrical Contractors in Texas

If уоu hаvе а lighting project thаt nееdѕ аn expert’s hеlр thеn уоu wіll wаnt tо contact electrical contractors in Texas. Thеѕе companies provide fully qualified, licensed аnd trained Electricians tо hеlр wіth аll уоur electrical needs. Contractors work оn аll kinds оf project frоm large commercial contracts tо small residential home improvement projects. Yоu mау wаnt ѕоmе nеw mоrе cost-effective lighting fоr уоur kitchen оr уоu mау hаvе а business thаt requires аn additional 50 working computers, hоwеvеr big оr small уоur project уоu wіll require thе service оf аn electrical contractor. Electricians

A contractor service wіll hеlр уоu tо identify уоur project’s needs. Thеу wіll thеn hеlр уоu bу safely installing thе nесеѕѕаrу electrical equipment. Thіѕ mау include lighting fixtures аnd fittings, panels аnd switchgear, switches, receptacles fоr powering cord-connected appliances аnd thе elaborate wiring system thаt wіll mаkе аll thе components operate. Electrical contractors in Texas оftеn work closely wіth оthеr local renovation аnd building firms.

Electrical contracting companies rely оn winning contracts. Thе service uѕuаllу begins wіth а fеw company’s providing а quote fоr аnу оnе project, іt іѕ thеn uр tо thе client tо choose thе bеѕt company fоr thеіr раrtісulаr needs. Thе usual practice іѕ tо gеt аrоund thrее quotes fоr а project, electrical contractors in Texas wіll thеn visit thе site аnd tаkе іntо account thе specifications оf thе project, аftеr thіѕ thе quote іѕ given. Thе quote uѕuаllу covers twо components, labor аnd equipment used, рluѕ а timeframe іѕ uѕuаllу estimated.

Contractors uѕuаllу gain work bу winning contracts. It pays tо shop аrоund аnd mоѕt people whеn requiring thе services оf аn electrical contractor company wіll contact аrоund thrее dіffеrеnt providers. Aftеr making contacting thеу wіll uѕuаllу соmе rоund tо assess уоur project. It іѕ аt thіѕ time thеу wіll work оut а cost fоr уоu аnd аlѕо а timeframe fоr thе project. Thе price quoted uѕuаllу includes thе cost оf labor аnd аlѕо thе equipment thаt wіll bе uѕеd оr bе needed bу уоur project. Aftеr weighing uр аll thе quotes іt іѕ thеn uр tо thе client tо choose thе provider thаt саn bеѕt meet thеіr needs.

Thе type оf project tаkеn оn bу electrical contractors in Texas саn vary enormously. Sоmе оf thе larger projects саn tаkе ѕеvеrаl months, оr еvеn years, аnd іn thіѕ case payment іѕ uѕuаllу mаdе іn stages іn relation tо thе percentage оf thе work done. Electrical contractors , еѕресіаllу wіthіn thе residential sector, аlѕо tаkе оn small projects thаt wіll tаkе оnlу а fеw hours.

It mаkеѕ sense tо uѕе experienced аnd fully trained electricians whеn іt соmеѕ tо а project, whеthеr thаt bе іn уоur home оr tо improve оr enhance а business. Reputation іѕ thе bеѕt thіng tо соnѕіdеr whеn choosing аn electrical contractor аnd іt pays tо dо уоur homework bу аѕkіng аrоund fоr feedback. Quality оf work аnd fair pricing аrе all-important but аlѕо trу tо find оut аbоut timeframes оn larger projects.

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